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I'm using Oracle's JRE on a Win10 PC.

The download instructions for JOSM recommended to use JRE from or (but not Oracle).

Is there any benefit of switching the JRE?

asked 16 Feb '22, 12:01

Msiipola's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Feb '22, 08:20

Just to clarify - what download instructions are you reading?

(16 Feb '22, 13:09) SomeoneElse ♦

I read in JOSM: Help -> Readme -> Installation notes

(16 Feb '22, 13:19) Msiipola

Do you mean (which is where the "help" entry on the "help" menu of JOSM goes to if you click the "external browser" icon at the top right?

I don't see "readme" or "installation links" there,

(16 Feb '22, 13:23) SomeoneElse ♦

Help - About - Readme tab

(16 Feb '22, 14:10) TZorn

Personally I use the OpenJDK version of Java (installed using the "Chocolatey" package manager) and have had no problem using JOSM with that.

Issues that have been observed with JOSM that are related to issues in Java (various platforms and versions) can be found here.

OpenJDK is also recommended by this mailing list thread, although as noted here it's actually still an Oracle build; just one with a licence less likely to bite you in the posterior. Much of the rest of that thread is advanced muppettry and tinfoilhattery and can be ignored, but Clifford's recommendation is entirey sensible.

Non-Oracle builds are available. Bell-sw's is one, Microsoft's is another. Azul is another, but they want their site visitors to "contact sales", so probably isn't an option here.

In each case the software you're getting is basically the same; just compiled on someone else's computer. The licence terms and the associated support will vary.

permanent link

answered 16 Feb '22, 13:45

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 16 Feb '22, 13:46

Thanks for the information! I have read the linked postings also.

To me it looks like I have not much winning by switching JDK. And installing new sw, could also create new problems which I doesn't have now.

I don't like the company Oracle, but I will continue using Oracle-JRE, which doesn't give me any problems now.

(16 Feb '22, 14:04) Msiipola

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question asked: 16 Feb '22, 12:01

question was seen: 1,220 times

last updated: 17 Feb '22, 08:20

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