Hi to everybody! I am trying to extract a portion of Europe map (say Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands and UK) from the europe-latest.osm.pbf using Windows commands prompt. I succed to install the osmosis "package" in my machine (well, it is not enough powerful to manage the entire Europe map), but I can't arrive to write down the right code to perform a boundary box extrection. I'm sure that is a trivial (not to much) issue of path in order to make working Osmium commands with the target file, but really I don't know how to begin the command. All the command hints and suggestions seem to start from a basic starting point/platform that I don't know/can't find. Could someone, please, give me some hints or at least show me any link that can allow me to understand how to proceed? Thanks a lot to any one that could help me. D. |
The correct way for a bbox extraction with osmosis would require the command line parameters (I am putting one per line but you need them all on the same line):
The Also, try to get a copy of the "osmium" command line utility - it's made for Linux but should be available in Windows builds as well - since that will do the job a little more efficiently than osmosis. Hi, Frederik! Thanks a lot for your help, it works, but it seems my machine can't manage the task. I got this message, I think is not related to the file size, but to something else I can not manage at this time, I tried the same command with a smaller map (belgium) and getting the same output: *** La RICORSIONE BATCH supera i limiti dello STACK Conteggio ricorsione=315, utilizzo stack=90 percento ELABORAZIONE BATCH INTERROTTA *** I'm sorry it is in Italian, I tried to find some explication but as I think you well know, as much you dig deeper as much it become harder. So, maybe, it's better to look for any alternative solutions. This afternoon I'll try to work a little on Osmium as you suggested, but if this is the starting point I really feel without any abilities by now. Thanks a new time. D.
(16 Feb '22, 10:22)
It might be a case of having to set the right Java options allowing it to consume more memory, with the environment variable
(16 Feb '22, 10:29)
Frederik Ramm ♦