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Months ago, I deleted the label to a neighborhood which had been demolished since the 1920s, yet the label (and other false labels) still appear on Wikimedia maps and other third party sites despite recent street geometry changes being reflected. I understand that it may be that the third party sites have to wait for a new version of OSM to be released, but why is it that deleted labels still appear months later when street changes show nearly instantly? I checked wikidata, bing maps, and other open source databases and have narrowed the info down to only OSM. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance for any help!

asked 11 Feb '22, 16:32

Biyak's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Can you provide a link to where you're seeing the name? It's possible that some other OSM object still carries the name.

(11 Feb '22, 17:08) alester

It's in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States. The labels in OSM are gone, but if you look in wikimediamaps you will still see "Hardscrabble" and "Book Row"

(11 Feb '22, 17:52) Biyak

I found that link doesn't work with me, but it does work removing the https:

(13 Feb '22, 12:20) alan_gr

There are no things named Hardscrabble in Harrisburg. I can only assume that the maps tthat you are looking at have not been updated for a very long time. You will need to contact the person who controls those maps - OpenStreetMap can't force a data consumer to perform an update if they have not done so in some time.

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answered 11 Feb '22, 18:51

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16% is unavailable, outside of wikimedia usage, so I can't check. But probably they overlay other data on top of OSM ?

That would explain the difference of updates of street vs labels...

A quick check on wikipedia, I find this article : Hardscrabble, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. No geo coordinates of this page, but the linked wikidata item has them.

You might want to ask them if a "former neighbourhood" has its place on the map...

permanent link

answered 13 Feb '22, 12:06

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%


There are no things named Hardscrabble in Harrisburg. spam removed

permanent link

answered 14 Mar '22, 13:01

Carlton's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Mar '22, 07:53

TZorn's gravatar image


Correct, that's why I'm trying to remove the label in question.

(14 Mar '22, 16:15) Biyak

@Biyak unfortunately, asking here will not help. You will need to contact the person who controls those maps - OpenStreetMap can't force a data consumer to perform an update if they have not done so for some time.

Your link does not link to any map at all for me.

(14 Mar '22, 16:18) SomeoneElse ♦

Are you sure that all the third party sites you mention take data from OpenStreetMap, and not another source - especially Apple Maps?

For example, Wikiloc offers a choice of map backgrounds, and the Hardscrabble label appears in two of them that are provided by Apple, but not on the OpenStreetMap background.

I don't have any Apple devices myself, but searching for Harrisburg at DuckDuckGo brings me to an Apple map, which again displays the Hardscrabble label at certain zoom levels.

(I'm not saying this is relevant to the specific question on Wikimedia maps, but it may be relevant if these names keep popping up on various sites).

(14 Mar '22, 21:23) alan_gr

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question asked: 11 Feb '22, 16:32

question was seen: 1,347 times

last updated: 15 Mar '22, 07:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum