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I'm trying to use OSM and UMap to create a custom map showing my organization's region/territory. It's described as a list of US Counties, plus an additional fixed distance beyond those counties. Ideally each county would show as its boundary, and then I could create lines for the additional distance.

When I search in OSM for one of the counties (DuPage County), I get precisely what I'd like : . When I search for the same county in uMap, I just get a point marker at the city which contains the county seat of government. I don't see any way to bring up an associated boundary.

All my attempts to import data from OSM, in order to show county boundaries, have failed.

I'm probably in over my head trying to do this, but any hints would be appreciated.

asked 08 Feb '22, 17:14

Greater%20Chicago%20IWW's gravatar image

Greater Chic...
accept rate: 0%

Search in uMap is fairly basic, and will give only markers.

But you can import linear data in two ways :

  1. Dynamically load data through overpass
  2. Download your data otherwise, and import it once.

In your case, as the data should never change, I would go on solution 2, to reduce the load on the servers.

Here are the details :

  1. Got to overpass-turbo, to build a query like this one
  2. I put only the county you cited, but you can add as many as you want with more rel(#county_id); in the parenthesizes, they create a union.
  3. Then click Run, to check that it's what you want.
  4. Click Export, then download (GPX is a fairly standard format, others are possible).
  5. In uMap, click on the up arrow, in the right menu import data (see this guide for details), choose your file, the same format as when downloading, a new layer...
  6. And click import !
  7. Then you can change the settings of the layer, one useful with this kind of data is in "Advanced properties", "simplify", it will make displaying at lower zoom faster.

Hope this helps, please ask if you need more assistance.


permanent link

answered 08 Feb '22, 19:21

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%


Thanks for the well crafted answer H_mlet. Overpass-turbo really like a Rosetta Stone for my mapping needs.

Here's what I was able to get done in short order after your answer:

(10 Feb '22, 00:41) Greater Chic...

Yeah, uMap is pretty neat. Sometime a bit quirky, and sadly unmaintained, but still great!

(10 Feb '22, 06:46) H_mlet

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question asked: 08 Feb '22, 17:14

question was seen: 2,045 times

last updated: 10 Feb '22, 06:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum