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I'm from a region of the southeastern United States where city and county governments often have departments dedicated to controlling mosquito populations to prevent the spread of disease. In attempting to tag the office of such a department, I believe "office=government" would be appropriate, but I'm not certain what value I should use for the government key. Obviously I could simply use "government=mosquito_control," but I'd like to avoid such a specific single-use tag. Would "government=ministry" be correct, since this office is the seat of the mosquito control department of the local county government?

asked 07 Feb '22, 14:20

Itserpol's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It might depend on exactly where you are at. For example, I used to live near Fort Worth, TX, and when I googled "who is responsible for mosquito control in fort worth texas" I got the Tarrant County Public Health (TCPH) department, which said mosquito control is part of environmental health.

I'm not familiar with those tags, but your question intrigued me.

Hope this helps, even in some small way.


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answered 07 Feb '22, 17:32

EricJRW's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Interesting! Maybe "government=environmental_health" or "government=public_health" is broad enough to be an appropriate tag?

(07 Feb '22, 18:25) Itserpol

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question asked: 07 Feb '22, 14:20

question was seen: 944 times

last updated: 07 Feb '22, 18:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum