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I made a change to a street name (changeset 117110427) about 3 hours ago. It is showing completed, but the change has not updated on the map

It said when I submitted the change it can take a few long should I expect the change to take?

Thank you for your help!

asked 07 Feb '22, 12:57

Andy%20Langford's gravatar image

Andy Langford
accept rate: 0%

Hi Andy, your changes ("Brierley Close" -> "Briery Close") are visible to me!

The map displayed at updates according to its own schedule. Usually it's pretty fast, sometimes it can take a while. Don't fret -- the important thing is to get the correct data into the database!

Of course it's great to see the rendered map change, and it's a good way to double-check your work. Two tips:

  • Your web browser might have the old map tiles cached, and won't even try to load new ones until the cache expires. You can force your browser to load all new images, cache notwithstanding, by holding down Shift while clicking the reload button.
  • The different zoom levels sometimes update at different times, so for a while the old data might be displayed on some zooms and the new data on others. This is normal; all zooms will get in sync eventually.

Good luck & happy mapping!

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answered 07 Feb '22, 13:30

jmapb's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 07 Feb '22, 13:38

That's great. Thank you for your help!

(07 Feb '22, 16:42) Andy Langford

That zoom level aspect is such a mystery to me. I guess it all has to do with rendering tiles. Is that correct?

(07 Feb '22, 17:02) EricJRW

@EricJRW - in this case yes. The map at each zoom level of the maps at is made up of small tiles that are an individual file hosted on a website and recreated when things change. and are examples of those, and the "17" and "18" respectively is the zoom level each case. Each tile is created from the same map data, but a higher zoom level tile might show more information.

(07 Feb '22, 17:43) SomeoneElse ♦

I have also noticed this update lag on some zoom levels. Is it possible too see what zoom level is displayed?

(08 Feb '22, 07:38) Msiipola

@Msiipola - in a browser you can tell from the "#map=" part of the URL, e.g. is zoom level 15.

(08 Feb '22, 08:36) alan_gr

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question asked: 07 Feb '22, 12:57

question was seen: 1,738 times

last updated: 08 Feb '22, 08:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum