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Hi, I am a newbie in OSM and started to name some public buildings (eg. Townhall, Supermarkets etc.) in my home town. I tried it in two different ways 1. I draw the building and added some key tags to that drawing eg. building, operator, shop 2. I only take a point from the list (eg. Supermarket) and place this point into my drawing of the building and add the key tags eg. addr., name, shop

What is recommended, 1st, 2nd or both?

thx thomas

asked 07 Oct '11, 16:51

tlenhard's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Here's another more detailed explaination given to another similar question:

(10 Sep '13, 17:19) MagicFab

A common style of mapping is to add tags to the building outline if they apply to the entire building, but to place a node within the building if the feature does not use the whole building (e.g. if there are multiple shops within the same building).

You should avoid creating duplicates, so choose either a node or tags on the building outline, but not both.

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answered 07 Oct '11, 19:30

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%

edited 07 Oct '11, 19:33

Generally, people map objects as points until they have better sources which allow them to map them as areas (buildings in your examples). There is also a clear guideline in the wiki which suggests you shouldn't use both.

So if you can map something as an area, the 1st method you mention is best, but if you can't the 2nd is still better than neither. Just try and avoid both.

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answered 07 Oct '11, 17:27

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 07 Oct '11, 16:51

question was seen: 7,372 times

last updated: 10 Sep '13, 17:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum