Hi I've been trying to compile Osmium Tool for Windows using Visual Studio and I can't get past this error and am not sure how to resolve it. Any help would be appreciated (unfortunately I don't know much about C++) but am trying my best! I see it was successful here but the artifacts are gone now. https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Mapbox/osmium-tool/build/1.0.281/job/va8388o8synhjii8
I have no problem opening, building and debugging in Visual Studio on Windows. Tested on latest Visual Studio 2022 Community version, Windows 11. Easy local build script using vcpkg, like github actions cmake and build:
Should work without Visual Studio. For completeness, which Visual Studio version you were using?
(04 Mar '23, 10:46)
SomeoneElse ♦
@SomeoneElse VS 2022, answer updated.
(04 Mar '23, 14:00)
There is no need to compile it for windows by yourself. There are ready to use compiled builds available at internet: My way : install anacaonda, it includes all binaries and the osmium.exe. After installing Anacanda, I get a directory \Anaconda3\Library\bin. Then i copied boost_program_options.dll; libbz2.dll;libexpat.dll;liblz4.dll;zlib.dll and osmium.exe to a other PC and can work with osmium.exe. morgen1 |
Hi aarismendi, I also look for osmium.exe for windows. But I am not able to compile it by myself. Can you share the osmium.exe for windows ? If yes, please contact me thomas(at)img2ms.de 1
Just a thought - would Windows Subsystem for Linux be an option for you? That way you wouldn't have to be a small Windows dog on the floor waiting for he crumbs to fall off the Linux table :)
(06 May '22, 21:35)
SomeoneElse ♦
I will try to install the linux subsystem... maybee it is the solution..
(07 May '22, 07:11)
Got it working, instead of building boost I used a pre-built binary - https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/ https://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost-binaries/1.63.0/boost_1_63_0-msvc-14.0-64.exe |