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There is a specific technical description of a guardrail. How to tag a double- or twin rail a sturdy construction. Or a motorcycle friendly barrier beneath the guardrail to prevent, the sliding cycle and rider, to slide in the gap beneath the construction. A so-called motorcycle friendly guardrail?

asked 03 Feb '22, 13:16

Teek's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There are 31 instances you can look into. We don't tag subjective "friendly"-ness.

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answered 05 Feb '22, 04:20

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Hi Kovoschtz, thanks. Its really friendly, it is just a smooth metal wall beneath the guardrail with poles and your body wont crash onto one of the poles. There are several places (outside curves} where they installed them. Take a look here, The counting of the double guardrails is not the best base to tell that there are not more doubles than singles rails. Most mappers wont look at the technical state of the rails. Not to mentioning the end of a rail. Are you able to notice the end of the rail and if it is modernised with a save ending, the old RIMOBS are changed into newer ones. Both are nothing more than a shock absorber named save end. Just as the front of your own car has one a so called crumble zone. The modern ones are named save end.

(05 Feb '22, 15:29) Teek

guard_rail looks to be mainly used to say whether a guard_rail exists or not along a given highway segment. It would probably be better to use a different tag, such as guard_rail:type. Note that Jersey Barriers have had a distinct tag for a long time.

(07 Feb '22, 11:31) SK53 ♦

@SK53 Both are possible. Eg: kerb= on a a feature for what kerb has; and on a barrier=kerb for what it is. guard_rail:type= is not meaningful enough, especially when it may be mistakened as a double-sided guard rail (guard_rail=double is only a generic solution for now).

(08 Feb '22, 10:11) Kovoschiz

@Teek If you only tag it is motorcycle-friendly, it doesn't show what exactly it is. Roller guard rails are a more motorcycle-friendly possibility.

(08 Feb '22, 10:14) Kovoschiz

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question asked: 03 Feb '22, 13:16

question was seen: 1,024 times

last updated: 08 Feb '22, 10:14

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum