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Is there a setting in JOSM that allows to use lower resolution satellite imagery map tiles (Bing, Maxar) in order to speed up tile loading? Internet is so slow, and I am trying to do some mapping but do not require the full/original resolution/clarity since I am fixing the accuracy of a wide river.

asked 01 Feb '22, 10:34

JAT86's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I am away from JOSM right now, but I think there is an option on the right click menu to disable auto-zoom. That should allow you to zoom to the correct zoom level and "lock" it for your "overzoomed" usecase.

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answered 01 Feb '22, 11:26

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

@InsertUser: Can you please elaborate what "correct zoom level" means? I never understood what the "auto zoom" feature does.

(04 Feb '22, 09:06) JAT86

There are different imagery tiles for every zoom level. The further you zoom in (=higher zoom level) the more granular the images get. Autozoom automatically re-loads those tiles whenever you zoom in and out.

InsertUser suggests you laod the imagery at lower zoom level (where one tile covers a large area), deactivate the autozoom function and then zoom in to do your mapping. You will effectively have a lower resolution image then on higher zoom level. And if you are caching the imagery tiles (I think that is the default) you won't have to load them every time you start JOSM.

You have to try and find out what the "correct" zoom level at which you load the image is for your best mapping experience.

(04 Feb '22, 09:15) TZorn

@TZorn, thank you very much for the very useful info.

(04 Feb '22, 09:31) JAT86

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question asked: 01 Feb '22, 10:34

question was seen: 1,630 times

last updated: 04 Feb '22, 09:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum