I've mapped a number of courses in the past. Usually when you tag an area as a tee box, putting green, or fairway, the area outline turns green. It is now just staying generic gray. Any idea why this is happening now? Here is more detail: Thanks for the responses, sorry I should have been more precise. I typically "edit with iD" with the in-browser editor. It appears that the items properly render in a green color in the OSM "standard" viewing layer, however when you go into the in browser editor they do not. Here is the standard view from the browser (not in edit mode). The ovals are specified as feature type "Tee Box" and are drawn as I would expect here. In edit mode, there was a change at some point as seen below. The screen shot below shows a previously mapped course (the lower part), vs a new one I started working on (the upper one). All the ovals on this image are all specified as the same feature type as "Tee Box". When editing I was immediately surprised that it looked different. While the feature specification of all the ovals if the same ("Tee Box"), it looks like the behavior of the tags that are automatically added has changed. Before it would tag as golf=tee and landuse=grass. Now it only applies golf=tee. Apparently the landuse tag has something to do with the color shown in the editor? |
For many years, the iD presets for these golf features additionally added the landuse=grass tag, largely because the Standard rendering didn't render the golf=* tags and people wanted some way to have the features show up (Tagging for the renderer). Since then, the Standard rendering has started to render the golf features, making landuse=grass unnecessary. On January 7, the iD presets were updated to reflect the Wiki guidance, and will no longer add landuse=grass. It looks like these objects that are tagged with only a golf=* tag haven't been configured to render as a colour in the editor. You could point this out by creating a new issue in the iD GitHub repo. Thanks, makes perfect sense! Issue opened: https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/issues/8927
(01 Feb '22, 19:47)
Can you link to examples of "before" and "after"?
Can you also clarify where you're seeing this? Is it on the "Standard" rendering at OpenStreetMap.org, in an app, or somewhere else?
I've edited the initial post with some more details.
Location appears to be https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/35.17300/-79.57545
Yup, that's it!