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Thank you for your response @Frederik Ramm. Your feedback has been very helpful. Can you please re-explain this your statement..."then combine ways into clusters that have the same street name and where one way ends with the same node the other way begins with, so that you end up with just one way for every street instead of potentially several". I am confused. Should I combine all the ways (e.g. highway) irrespective of the street name as one way should I group the ways based on the street names?

What I did is this. I combined "ways" with the same street name as one way. I then Iterated through the way for a repeated node id, which I assume should be the intersections. I got some results. But while testing the coordinates directly, some of the coordinates were not pointing to intersections on the OpenStreetMap. Is there anything I'm missing?


asked 31 Jan '22, 15:07

Segunlakata's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 31 Jan '22, 17:52

alester's gravatar image


The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate of" by alester 31 Jan '22, 17:52

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question asked: 31 Jan '22, 15:07

question was seen: 526 times

last updated: 31 Jan '22, 17:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum