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I am trying to find the 'remotest' places in Denmark using Overpass QL.

How do I construct a query that will show me the 10 places furthest from any 'civilization' or man-made structure?

asked 31 Jan '22, 06:22

eowhvad's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Working from the example in the Overpass example page (which shows how to find banks that are far from police stations), came up with this. It's not exactly what you were after, but with a year with no answers, perhaps it's of some use :)

It looks for nodes or ways (address points or buildings with an assigned address) that are further than some distance from any road (highway=*). I used this criteria, as looking for other buildings could easily miss many cases where two buildings are very isolated from everything else. "Man-made structure" can also be pretty vague, as maybe there's some abandoned water tower, fence or anything else. In any case, both of the blocks can be expanded as needed, to include specific types of road or adapt what the "places" are.





(.housenames; - .namesNearRoads;);

out geom meta;
permanent link

answered 31 Mar '23, 21:09

Richlv's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 31 Jan '22, 06:22

question was seen: 1,559 times

last updated: 31 Mar '23, 21:09

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