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I have a bus route mapped with Public Transport Version 2 (PTv2), but it contains lot of errors and need a rework. Should I keep the PTv2 schema or convert it to the newer schema (

asked 29 Jan '22, 12:09

Msiipola's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You have linked to a proposal that hasn't even been voted on yet. Support for it is likely to be minimal to no existent.

(29 Jan '22, 19:22) InsertUser

I personally wouldn't change from one schema to another if that upgrade adds no value. For example, if a bus route locally PTv1 and everyone is happy with it, I'd correct errors (e.g. move stops that are in the wrong place) but not change the schema if that adds no value.

If you feel that changing the schema on your bus route would make it more accurate and less confusing, then fine, but Zverik's proposal has been "under way" since 2018; I've no idea if anything supports it.

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answered 29 Jan '22, 13:42

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%


I also wouldn't change the schema purely to keep up to date with the ever-changing approaches to public transport mapping. But I might do so if I identified a clear advantage. Some questions I would ask: What specific changes would "converting to the newer schema" involve for the routes you are working on? Would these changes make it easier or harder to fix the errors, and to maintain the route in future? Would this make the route more or less consistent with other routes in the local area? Arw other people mapping bus routes locally, and what approach do they favour?

(29 Jan '22, 17:46) alan_gr

Thanks for the info and answers!

I not sure, but i looks the newest proposal means you don't have to enter so many objects for a route. Only a platform where the bus stops? It would make the rework easier.

All other nearby bus routes has version 2 schemas, and changing one of these to a not version 2, seems not a good idea.

(29 Jan '22, 20:48) Msiipola

IIRC that proposal wasn't the best received, it was thought that omitting the actual route from the relation would result in something that was more difficult to use by downstream consumers and that was also very ambiguous.

(29 Jan '22, 20:53) InsertUser

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question asked: 29 Jan '22, 12:09

question was seen: 884 times

last updated: 29 Jan '22, 20:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum