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There have been some major changes to the road layout in Cambridgeshire A14/A1. I have a couple of old Garmin satnavs, nuvi 1410 and a 50 I thought I would try an OSM update on them I used an opentopomap download which I put on a microSD. The downloads show new roads as expected and navigation is successful. I can navigate to coordinates but for post codes I have switch back to the old garmin map and save the searched location,then disable that map and enable the opentotomap. The question I have is how to get the Garmin to display the current speed limit ( which it does with the old garmin map) I guess I need a download with speed data written in it. Is there a free download with speed data or a link on advice on making a map with speed data. Thanks

asked 26 Jan '22, 08:31

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andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 26 Jan '22, 08:31

question was seen: 596 times

last updated: 26 Jan '22, 08:31

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