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I have several old .osm files that I have already uploaded. I plan to revisit the map extents in all of those files to check for updates if there is anything that needs more mapping. However, my disk is getting short of space since I have many of these .osm files which contain lots of map data. I would not like to delete these files since it would be very cumbersome to scout for those exact extents again.

Is there a way to save only, or export the map extent a .osm file, and not include the data? It would also be useful if there is an option to load only the map extent of the existing .osm file, so that you can just update the map with the Update data (CTRL+U) option. Is there a way to do or a workaround for this?

asked 24 Jan '22, 09:12

JAT86's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


At the risk of stating the bleeding obvious, if you're running out of disk space and have large .osm files lying around - compress them until you need them?

(24 Jan '22, 09:20) SomeoneElse ♦

Does the "Irregular Bookmarks" portion of this page do what you need?

NB I think it might be worth emphasising the "in a text editor" part otherwise you risk marking those objects for deletion in your next session.

permanent link

answered 24 Jan '22, 13:33

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 24 Jan '22, 09:12

question was seen: 1,170 times

last updated: 24 Jan '22, 13:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum