NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum

Problem: The Instagram location attached to existing posts, and available for future posts shows our incorrect business name AND incorrect business location.

History: Our brand name was Ivonne Sanchez Beauty, and in 2021 it changed to IVONNE (all upper case, single word). In January of 2022 we also moved our business from its old location to its new location.

The information change did not take effect in Instagram maps. We have made several annotations of the changes in OpenStreetMap, all of which seemed to have been closed, but without any effect.

We have made several efforts to "report a problem" via the Instagram app, without ever hearing back from Instagram. We have also tried to make progress through Facebook Business Support. They continue to direct us back to Instagram help (which hasn't worked).

Does anyone have an idea on what should be done to properly update our information and have this synced back up with Instagram so that we can be up to date?

We have also tried reclaiming our business in Instagram app, however it does not allow us to claim the location with either of our only two administrator accounts.

Is there another service apart from OpenStreetMap that I am neglecting that is contributing to this ongoing problem?

asked 23 Jan '22, 19:16

ivonneclinic's gravatar image

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You've done the right thing by trying to contact Facebook/Instagram.

OpenStreetMap has no influence over Facebook or Instragram - they don't work for us, and we don't work for them, so unfortunately OpenStreetMap won't be able to help.

(23 Jan '22, 19:54) SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks. Is my understanding correct: that Instagram uses OpenStreetMap for its map data?

(23 Jan '22, 20:25) ivonneclinic

Not really, no. As far as I understand it (and thankfully I don't work for Facebook/Instagram so I can't be sure) the "places" data (like your business) that they show is not derived from OpenStreetMap.

Again, as I understand it, the "background" map data may be - things like roads etc. This may also vary by what sort of app you're using and where in the world you are using it.

To be absolutely clear, your business name does not appear in OSM under the old name:

What I suspect is your business does exist in OSM under its new name: .

(23 Jan '22, 20:35) SomeoneElse ♦

I assume this is your business:

Looking at the history, it seems that the brand name was updated fairly recently (2 months ago). It may take some time for services/applications that use this data to reflect the change.

But I have no idea if Instagram uses this date in the first place.

(24 Jan '22, 08:07) alan_gr

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question asked: 23 Jan '22, 19:16

question was seen: 1,646 times

last updated: 24 Jan '22, 08:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum