I got this message on the map. what should I do? I don't know how to contact theDJ user |
Hi DJ, Thank you so much for the support. I am interested in volunteering. How do we go ahead? Abhijit 4
Abek. DJ is unlikely to read here. Please contact him over at Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:TheDJ
(01 Feb '22, 09:30)
According to this comment by TheDJ, all tiles from tiles.wmflabs.org are not available anymore, unless someone volunteers to keep maintaining that server:
See also:
I understand. The answer is very clear. Very kind. Thanks.
(24 Jan '22, 10:34)
"Utilisez https://tile.openstreetmap.org/${z}/${x}/${y}.png à la place" C'est-à-dire ? C'est du chinois pour moi et je ne doit pas être probablement le seul.
(24 Jan '22, 12:54)
That tile layer is in the local language. OpenStreetMap.de's tiles try to render a latin name (see e.g. https://c.tile.openstreetmap.de/5/21/13.png ) so perhaps that would work for you. Check https://openstreetmap.de/karte.html for usage information.
(24 Jan '22, 14:53)
SomeoneElse ♦
Merci pour la réponse. J'ai suivi le lien mais quel rapport avec LNM ? Que faire et comment le faire ?
(24 Jan '22, 15:08)
I rather think BluePas meant that "Utilisez https://tile.openstreetmap.org/${z}/${x}/${y}.png à la place" sounds Chinese (in the sense of: "not understandable") to him. @BluePas: Use a different tile layer in umap. Click the arrow down on the left side to expand the menu, then choose the "layer chooser" (that icon is a pile of papers) and choose a different map background, e.g. OSM-FR or OpenStreetMap.
(24 Jan '22, 15:10)
https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png This worked for me.
(01 Feb '22, 05:08)
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While tile layer did you select in umap? I suspect that tile layer is a wikipedia one, and it is broken. That would also suggest that the person to contact is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:TheDJ . thanks a lot!
(22 Jan '22, 18:18)
Where did you see the message?
on my maps on umap.openstreetmap.fr/it/