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Hi everyone, I created a new POI "Cafe Blaubeer" at Hauptstraße 62, Göttingen/Germany via OSMAnd and uploaded it (message "successful"). This included telephone number, opening hours etc. After that I deleted the old POI "Cafe Kätchen" at the same location which doesn't exist any more. (See change record #116465141) Now in OSMAnd the POI shown before in green (= user defined POI) is gone and "Cafe Blaubeer" is nowhere to be found - neither in OSMAnd nor on In my account on I can only find the deleted POI, not the newly created one. I also can't find any icon etc. to create a new POI in ...

asked 22 Jan '22, 13:43

MB_OSM's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Jan '22, 13:48


On your last point about not seeing an icon to add a POI on - hit the "edit" button to add, remove, or modify objects on the map within a web browser.

(23 Jan '22, 14:41) alan_gr

Hi, That would be the node in this changeset:- The only anomalies I can see is that the node is still tagged abandoned:amenity=restaurant probably if this is removed the POI might become visible.

I've now loaded the present map for that area onto OsmAnd (that I see you are using to upload) and the POI for Klarchen appears. You may need to update your OsmAnd maps.

permanent link

answered 23 Jan '22, 09:33

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%


I don't think the question is really about the fate of the old restaurant, but the new node that OsmAnd seems to have lost.

(23 Jan '22, 12:11) InsertUser

As I said, with the new OsmAnd download of the area the POI appears, it is not lost on OSM nor OsmAnd. The first thing for MB_OSM to do is download the current data to OsmAnd and see if the problem is rectified.

(23 Jan '22, 13:31) BCNorwich

I don't see the new POI (Cafe Blaubeer) on, and the changeset does not have any record of it having been uploaded.

(23 Jan '22, 14:39) alan_gr

alan_gr That's because Cafe Blaubeer has not been created by MB_OSM. The only amendment by MB_OSM was to add the tag "phone=0551 7089 3953" to the original POI.

(23 Jan '22, 14:56) BCNorwich

Thanks everyone for your help. InsertUser is right: "Kätchen" is supposed to disappear while "Blaubeer" is the correct, current POI name. I DID indeed create this POI within OSMAnd and uploaded it to OSM (after logging in to OSM within the app), but the new POI doesn't appear while the deleted POI ("Kätchen") doesn't disappear. Strangely, the above mentioned "phone=0551 7089 3953" is indeed correct for the new POI - maybe the upload didn't create a new POI but changed the phone attribute on the old one instead!? But why then is the rest of the information (POI name, opening hours, etc.) lost? Updating OSMAnd maps doesn't work, because I just updated the area before changing the POI and now it say it IS already up to date. But "I don't see the new POI (Cafe Blaubeer) on" tells me I am right, and the upload somehow must have failed. As I don't have the current data any more, I will have to give up. :-(

(23 Jan '22, 20:47) MB_OSM

It might help to create a bug report for OsmAnd here:

(24 Jan '22, 07:39) scai ♦

MB_OSM Sorry but what I said is correct, the only change you made was adding the phone number to the original POI. Please look at your changeset (link as posted above), click on the link to the node that was edited. You get to this page:- there are listed all the tags attributed to the node.

Can you state exactly what tags you wish to change or remove, I'll try to help?

(24 Jan '22, 08:34) BCNorwich

Just a side note, OSMAnd maps are only updated once a month, so you'll see your changes (if they are successful) next month, after updating OSMAnd map data.

(28 Jan '22, 13:42) H_mlet

@H_mlet Unless you have OsmAnd live. Then the changes will be visible within 1-2 hours.

(28 Jan '22, 13:58) scai ♦
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question asked: 22 Jan '22, 13:43

question was seen: 1,141 times

last updated: 28 Jan '22, 13:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum