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Example: At 51.3669 7.3097 split the street and save. Use iD-Editor in browser. This produces 12 bus errors, enclosure 1. The problem exists till spring 2021, compare with questions/81881

asked 21 Jan '22, 07:20

NorbertOpen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

where is my enclosure?

(21 Jan '22, 07:21) NorbertOpen

Area of interest.

Norbert: For future reference, please include clickable links in your questions. You can copy them from the URL field in your browser. That makes it easier for people to respond to you.

(21 Jan '22, 09:03) TZorn

I think what you are seeing are general issues iD found in the data you are working on. They have not been caused by your edit.

When you split the road, iD also changed the bus routes following this road in the background. That's normal and expected. It then discovered that these bus routes were missing some information that they - in iDs opinion - should have had, like network:wikidata=Q448199 and network:wikipedia=de:Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr. I disagree that iD should warn when these keys are missing. iD should also not present those warnings to you when the routes were only changed by iD itself and not by our your own doing.

Short summary: Just ignore those bus related warnings.

permanent link

answered 21 Jan '22, 08:59

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 21 Jan '22, 10:45

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question asked: 21 Jan '22, 07:20

question was seen: 753 times

last updated: 21 Jan '22, 10:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum