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I want to help improve OSM as an alternative to Google Maps. Noticed a couple major problems with directions. The ETA is more often than not out to lunch. For example, a drive I know and have done many times is about 45 minutes yet OSM cites it as around 1hr 30mins. This is a huge error when someone is relying on that information. Also, it often suggests complicated routes. There are usually alternatives with simpler or more direct paths. With Google you just click and drag, but I have yet to figure out how to change the directions in OSM. I don't necessarily want to blacklist entire roads, just modify the directions given from A to B for a particular trip. This seems super important as even if you enter an exact address OSM seems to only direct you to the general area, so you could be a couple blocks off where you intended on going.

  • how do I suggest a change in ETA
  • how do I suggest alternative routes
  • how do I modify route for current trip directions

asked 09 Jan '22, 18:31

AnonemooseBear's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


As you have not given examples, it is hard to know if these issues are caused by problems in the underlying OpenStreetMap data, or are issues with the routing engines. The approach to making improvements would depend on which of these situations applies.

OSM itself does not include a routing engine, but some routing engines use OSM data. Two of these (Graphhopper and OSRM) are shown as examples on If the issues are with the routing engine, you would need to contact the maintainers of those engines.

On the other hand if the issues are with the underlying data, you can improve the data yourself. That might be the case where you say "even if you enter an exact address OSM seems to only direct you to the general area". In my area if I enter a street address including the house number, OSM normally gives direction to the exact location. But in many regions address data is far from complete, and the routing engines obviously can't be more precise than the data they have available.

(10 Jan '22, 11:21) alan_gr

You can have a look at this page to understand how routing works in OSM context :

(10 Jan '22, 13:32) H_mlet

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question asked: 09 Jan '22, 18:31

question was seen: 893 times

last updated: 10 Jan '22, 13:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum