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I am trying to build a small service for a community school. They have a couple of bus; but they are not punctual. Trying to build a service, where all the stops are mapped out and notify the next 2 stops (or parents that pick up or drop is imminent).

Today, most of the time spent by the bus is waiting for the ward or the parent.

I am happy to build something in Java or use an existing tool. Do share your opinions and ideas.

Besides the tracking of the location and notification; is it possible to show the same map to all parents. Like real time tracking?

Summarising the ask:

  1. Notify the parents that the bus is x stops away
  2. Sharing the live map (with bus location) to parents

Regards, Aldrine

asked 09 Jan '22, 18:29

aldrine's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Jan '22, 18:35

OpenStreetMap is a geo database, what you are looking for is a fleet tracking app or gps tracking app. While there are surely fleet tracking or gps tracking apps (with live mode) that use OpenStreetMap data, this help board here is probably not the best place to find recommendations for those.

To get you started in your quest:

You would need gps trackers (either as hardware or mobile app with a mobile phone in each bus) in the buses that constantly (like every x seconds) transmit their position data to a server, there you would have to snap those position data to roads (osrm could do that) or define some geofencing algorithms to check if the bus is approaching the next stop or have some distance/duration calculations and then display this information on a map with the live data updates, etc.

Now this is a solved problem that is in use daily at companies around the world (taxi corporations, parcel services, food delivery etc.). So if you do start searching for gps tracking/fleet tracking apps, you may find it easier to use one of those solutions than building it all on your own.

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answered 09 Jan '22, 22:07

Spiekerooger's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 09 Jan '22, 18:29

question was seen: 1,199 times

last updated: 09 Jan '22, 22:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum