Hello everybody, I saw that the "Cammino di S. Bartolomeo" way is wrong: on the OSM we can see only a small part of 2 of the 8 stages of the way. I have the original gpx files of the 8 stages and I would like to upload them, but I see an error when I try. Can anybody help me? Thank you, Andrea |
Hi. Please share the exact process and the error messages. But are your gpx files from a personal GPS recording session ? Then please upload them following this guide. Otherwise you probably don't have to right to upload them (license issue), and you can't be sure they are correct. Then you need to add all the paths and tracks the trail goes on, either from aerial imagery or on-the-ground knowledge. And add these to the relevant route=hiking relation. You might want to talk with your local community, and mappers you already edited this trail, to see what's possible. Regards. |
Hi Adreascumi, Since OSM is a free system please feel free to upload your tracks. For starters read the welcome pages in your own language and seek communication with the locals in your country. Have a look at the beginning pages and learn how to load your trails or tracks into OSM, with respect for the earlier mappers or contributors. It stands with the reason why you think your tracks are good or better then the old ones ? |