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Hi, we have 2 ports in our management. We have used 'lines' to put the piers and jetties on the map. Is there any way to change the colour of the lines as we have piers of different lengths?

asked 06 Jan '22, 16:13

Koen%20Prikken's gravatar image

Koen Prikken
accept rate: 0%


Can you explain in a bit more detail what software you are asking about?

(06 Jan '22, 21:56) SomeoneElse ♦


Usually, the color of a line is only based on the tags applied, that is its typology. Especially on the default tile layer (called osm-carto), which is mainly designed to help mappers validate their work.

Depending on your needs, you could overlay a new color, for example using mapCSS in overpass-turbo or using uMap, or you can design a new map style based on your specific needs (Mapbox Studio does that with a GUI, or you could set up a full rendering server with a modified version of osm-carto).

If you don't understand the propositions, please have a look at the wiki, and ask a more detailed question.

Warning, you can't change the tags of a line to change the color on the map. The tags are meant to represent the on-the-ground truth, renderers (and maps styles' creators) makes their own choice as to how to represent the tags.

That being said, I've never heard of features represented differently based on their length.

Best regards.

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answered 07 Jan '22, 12:23

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 06 Jan '22, 16:13

question was seen: 1,577 times

last updated: 07 Jan '22, 12:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum