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in the wiki, on the page bare_rock in deutsch, english, français and polski, at the bottom of the page, we have in red "Mismatched osmcarto-rendering" (red because the page doesn't exist). In other languages (italiano for example), there isn't this link.

I wanted to delete it but I can't, if I select "modify" or "modify the wikicode", I don't find the link. Do you know how I can improve these 4 pages ?

Other problem of this "Categories", for the french translation, the link next to this bad link is "FR:Natural". It is not in french, the good link should be "FR:Naturel" (it is what we have on the page marsh for example).

Same thing that above, I don't find where I could fix that.

Best regards.

asked 06 Jan '22, 00:40

Fred73000's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I solved both problems :

1) in the ValueDescription, for the rendering, we need to use

  • osmcarto-rendering-area
  • osmcarto-rendering-area-size

instead of

  • osmcarto-rendering
  • osmcarto-rendering-size

but only if we need something :

  • for the marsh it is necessary to have these 2 lignes,
  • for the bare_rock, we don't need these 2 lines otherwise the rendering appears twice

(I don't know why these differences).

2) in the ValueDescription, we don't need 'group=natural' otherwise the text stays in english. I don't try 'group=naturel' because with nothing it works so it is useless to add these parameters

permanent link

answered 06 Jan '22, 16:17

Fred73000's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Jan '22, 16:34

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question asked: 06 Jan '22, 00:40

question was seen: 912 times

last updated: 06 Jan '22, 16:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum