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What is the best area tag to use when reporting illegal dumping to the authorities? (Dear authorities: see here on the map where I have placed an illegal dump.)

Requirements: it must be rendered (carto).

No, they are not landfills.

( looked OK, until I discovered the four symbols are from a different tag.)

asked 05 Jan '22, 07:41

jidanni's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Jan '22, 07:46


Why are they not =landfill anyway? has informal=yes. There's no explanation why they aren't. This is not contested in . Could add access=no.

(05 Jan '22, 10:19) Kovoschiz

Rendering a point could attract more dumping. Best left off the map.

(05 Jan '22, 20:28) andy mackey
(08 Jan '22, 19:15) jidanni

Well that there is a giant pile of garbage is the Ground Truth. Commercial mappers keep love to keep illegal items secret. That's why we instead like OSM. Plus OSM users might be more trusted not to dump trash vs. the general public, maybe.

(08 Jan '22, 19:16) jidanni

OK, I gathered up some tags and created the rather disappointingly unimpressive , titled "illegal waterfall (valley) of garbage." Alas Carto has no fill patterns... (yes it does have trash cans, but that is more like a legal feeling.)

(08 Jan '22, 19:33) jidanni

(access=no: more like access=no-no: access should be a no-no. Too much access.)

(08 Jan '22, 19:41) jidanni
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

Isn't a share link to the position with a map marker sufficient? I don't think it's a good idea to add illegal things to OSM.

permanent link

answered 05 Jan '22, 08:54

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 05 Jan '22, 10:26


Keeping illegal features avoids other people adding them wrongly, and shows they shouldn't be used. Problem here is the temporariness.

(05 Jan '22, 10:25) Kovoschiz

Regardless of the legality, the intention here is to have the waste removed, so it certainly wouldn't make sense to add it to the database if it will be going away shortly. Providing a link to the map with a marker, or even just providing the bare coordinates, should be sufficient.

(05 Jan '22, 16:57) alester

It's not going away shortly: last year I provided the marker link to the City government. They simply forwarded it to the local Town government. Result: not even a "no illegal dumping" sign posted at the site. So this year putting the damn thing on the map probably won't make it any more "temporary" either, even though I will send it instead to the National government.

(08 Jan '22, 19:08) jidanni

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question asked: 05 Jan '22, 07:41

question was seen: 1,503 times

last updated: 08 Jan '22, 19:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum