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when i improve osm, after my saving, I can see the result a few minutes later at bigger zoom, a little more late for smaller zoom but it is quite quick.

But when I improve the coastline, the render is very long : for example I have changed the position of the coastline here 3 days ago and it is still invisible in osm.

Why this difference ? And how long do I have to wait to see it ?

Best regards

asked 04 Jan '22, 15:11

Fred73000's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Coastline rendering is special. It requires a fair amount of processing to determine what's land/sea for large continents. To protect against accidental "flooding" of continents the new shapes aren't released to the renderer if the difference in area is too big between updates. For the reasons behind the most recent stoppage see this thread on the talk mailing list.

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answered 04 Jan '22, 20:26

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

Ok, thanks for this clear answer.

Another question about coastline : is it a good idea to put on the same way natural=coastline + barrier=retain_wall ? This way is a wall to protect a city from the waves and the hightide is on this wall so it is the coastline too.

I don't like to have 2 ways one on the other when you have relations on them (and with coastline we always have a lot of boundary relations) : a lot of time I broke a relation because I unintentionally put the 2 ways in the relation and it is impossible to see that, when you look at the relation on ID it seems closed.

But because of your last answer, I wonder if to have 2 different tags is ok for the rendering ?

(05 Jan '22, 00:16) Fred73000

According to this page, it is OK now but the rendering is still bad. Why ?

(06 Jan '22, 22:42) Fred73000

Ok, I fix that by myself, using "dirty" on each bad tile like explain here

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answered 14 Jan '22, 01:08

Fred73000's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 04 Jan '22, 15:11

question was seen: 1,553 times

last updated: 14 Jan '22, 01:10

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