Hello, I am using Overpass to list all streets for an area. Now I want to extend the query with the house numbers. Preferably the smallest and largest house number per street. Do you have any ideas? I found another query for house numbers. Is it possible to combine them? Here is my query so far: [out:csv(key;false)]; {{plz=33039}} area[postal_code="{{plz}}"]; way(area)[highway~"^trunk$|^primary$|^secondary$|^tertiary$|^unclassified$|^residential$|^primary_link$|^living_street$|^service$|^pedestrian$|^track$|^road$|^footway$|^bridleway$|^path$"][name]; for (t["name"]) ( make stat num=count(ways),key=_.val,len=sum(length()); out; ); Here is the query for house numbers: [out:csv("addr:housenumber")][timeout:25]; {{geocodeArea:Nieheim}}->.searchArea; ( nwr["building"]["addr:street"="Steinheimer Straße"]"addr:housenumber"; ); out body;
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