hi. i created two maps and share them on my page. i tried differnet options - but the basis map dont change to the DE-map i used in the editor umap. in the editor umap i use and see the de map. on the webpage and the direct link there are only the fr map. where is the problem? thx. iframe: https://geestlandtouristik.jimdofree.com/erlebnisse/für-familien map: https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/de/map/spielplatze-samtgemeinde-fredenbeck_681338#10/53.5986/8.9497 |
Hi. For me both the embedded umaps display OSM-DE background. The attribution is correct ("Courtesy of OpenStreetMap.de"), only the target of the link is wrong, as I have reported in this issue. Regards. |