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How can I enter the path "E:\maps\osm-bbox-XXXXX.bin" into navit.xml? The system is a tablet with windows 10 and E: is a sdcard. I entered it and I only get an empty space instead of the maps.

asked 26 Dec '21, 04:15

walumg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Hi, this is the osm help forum.
I expect you need to ask on one of the Navit help sites

(26 Dec '21, 10:23) nevw

Unfortunately it is not possible to create an account on the navit forum.

(26 Dec '21, 16:48) walumg

@nevw: as Navit is an OSM-based router maintained by community members it is appropriate to ask here. @walumg: I havent used Navit in a while, and only have Android devices, so can't test this to provide suggestions.

(27 Dec '21, 14:23) SK53 ♦

I installed navigator 21 which uses OSM maps. But it downloads them in the .mca format. How can I convert the .bin files to '.mca files?

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answered 27 Dec '21, 21:47

walumg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I have given up on navit. I found out that it does read the path to my maps but it does not show the map. I have downloaded nearly 7 GB of a map in the format OSM_BBOX_*.bin as required by navit. Is there any other program which at least allows me to view this map format offline on windows 10? A GPS navigator would be even better.

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answered 27 Dec '21, 17:08

walumg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 26 Dec '21, 04:15

question was seen: 896 times

last updated: 27 Dec '21, 21:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum