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Hi good people.

Our customers are over 65 years old, so lack tech skills. But I want to get them to contribute their cemeteries and allotments data (UK) to OSM via iD editor. I need a really simple version of iD, which I can customise, then embed into our web apps with our custom look a feel.

Is it standard practice to fork the iD app to do this? Then to keep our fork updated we have to merge all changes from the official release?


I work at, we build apps to help clerks administer parish and town councils (local government) in the UK. We are building an app to help them manage allotments and cemeteries, which includes mapping their plots. I really want to contribute this data directly back to OSM, since we have over 750 customers (growing 100% YoY).

Any help is appreciated!

John Fagan

asked 17 Dec '21, 10:29

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accept rate: 0%

The iD API allows one to call the editor with only some presets enabled. I don't know if these options are too generic for your purposes (e.g., all landuse features), in which case this (along with very specific validations) may be appropriate areas to focus on if a fork is required.

Tagging presets are maintained in the iD Tagging Presets repo which is probably a much less thing to maintain as a fork.

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answered 17 Dec '21, 22:55

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 17 Dec '21, 10:29

question was seen: 1,143 times

last updated: 18 Dec '21, 15:20

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