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I am modifying a building (Tochigi Prefectural Cultural Center (100583549)) that is over a pedestrian area. The building has overhangs and a skybridge over the pedestrian area ( ). I thought adding a tag layer=1 to the building would render the entire building as seen from above. But the result was the opposite. The entire pedestrian area is rendered including the area under the building in the standard map. Is this correct?

asked 17 Dec '21, 02:37

yasobara's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Dec '21, 02:47


highway=pedestrian + area=yes is wrong here. =pedestrian means a pedestrianized street, with four-wheeled motorized vehicles physically able to travel on it. iD's "pedestrian area" preset name is misleading. This should be highway=footway + area=yes, which will still render.

(17 Dec '21, 10:01) Kovoschiz

Hi, It seems to be a quirk of the standard OSM layer, in all other layers (from the right sidebar) the building is rendered over the pedestrian area. However there are a few nodes of the layer=1 building that are joined to other areas. Personally I would unjoin the building from adjacent areas but doing this seems not to affect the standard layer of render.

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answered 17 Dec '21, 08:02

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

This is expected. It will always render above anything, including buildings. I don't remember there's rendering for highway=* + covered=yes + covered=yes. layer=* was only made for linear features. For 3D parts, use building:min_level=*, which will be rendered by 3D renderers.

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answered 17 Dec '21, 10:05

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 17 Dec '21, 02:37

question was seen: 1,426 times

last updated: 17 Dec '21, 10:05

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