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asked 16 Dec '21, 18:41

Camilo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


It would help if you asked an actual question.

(16 Dec '21, 18:49) SimonPoole ♦

my question is why not found address of osm_type "node" in this request

(16 Dec '21, 18:51) Camilo

Why was Google Maps searched with city name, but Nominatim without the city name? I see results for

Nominatim has no option to filter by type (node, way, relation). All results are ways because in that area house numbers were added as interpolation lines ("from X to Y"). is likely the best result. North there is house number range around 5400, south there is a house number range around 5200 and lower. As a human I would guess near the park somewhere 5300 should be. But I can't see a building or anything that would have a 5300 house number. In other words as far as I see there exists no building with that house numbers, a geocoder system can only guess. Google Maps is better at guessing.

permanent link

answered 16 Dec '21, 18:56

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

ok, thanks for answer

(16 Dec '21, 18:59) Camilo

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question asked: 16 Dec '21, 18:41

question was seen: 1,268 times

last updated: 16 Dec '21, 22:06

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