Hi - I've been following good tutorials on switch2osm, linuxbabe on a clean ubuntu 18.04 build. https://switch2osm.org/serving-tiles/manually-building-a-tile-server-18-04-lts/ Help massively appreciated: Issue 1 - 'root' error when running scripts/get-external-data.py Issue 2 - 'root' error when running sudo renderd -f -c /usr/local/etc/renderd.conf error logs for 2 issues: https://pastebin.com/15gck0Pu my renderd config file:
Don't run " |
Thanks for helping although I have this issue when I try that. E.g. I switch user to 'renderaccount' (my non-root username) and run without sudo: renderd[18191]: An error occurred while loading the map layer 'ajt': Postgis Plugin: ERROR: permission denied for relation planet_osm_polygon UPDATE: I gave superuser priviledgers to my 'renderaccount' in postgres... this is the error now, which I think relates to issue 1: renderd[18942]: An error occurred while loading the map layer 'ajt': Postgis Plugin: ERROR: relation "icesheet_polygons" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT ST_SRID("way") AS srid FROM icesheet_polygons WHERE "... 1
That probably means that you carried out some earlier steps as root rather than the non-root username that you chose earlier.
(04 Dec '21, 10:57)
SomeoneElse ♦
Another clean install I try... cry.
(04 Dec '21, 11:07)
If you get any questions as you go you could try asking on IRC in #osm - there might be someone there who can help. See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/IRC#How_to_use_IRC .
(04 Dec '21, 11:42)
SomeoneElse ♦
LEGEND - worked perfectly (in under an hour!). tutorial excellent except for maybe run all as non-root user (i know this is probably a no-brainer to people who get security etc...), and you need to give sudo privs to the non-root user and make postgres user superuser as well!
(04 Dec '21, 12:02)
I've added https://github.com/switch2osm/switch2osm.github.io/pull/175 - does anything else need saying?
(04 Dec '21, 12:16)
SomeoneElse ♦
Thanks again
(05 Dec '21, 11:08)
Just for completeness, future "Ubuntu" setup guides will be like https://switch2osm.org/serving-tiles/manually-building-a-tile-server-ubuntu-21/ since most of the software is built-into Ubuntu itself now. With new versions of Ubuntu you don't need to create a new non-root account yourself; the installation does it for you.
(05 Dec '21, 12:08)
SomeoneElse ♦
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