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Have I tagged this building correctly?

outline -> with the address, name and building:levels=8
building:part=retail -> building:levels=1
building:part=parking -> parking=multi-story, min_level:1, building:levels=3
building:part=residential -> min_level:3, building:levels=8

Then the parking garage entrance -> parking=multi-story.
The entrance is obviously at ground level but parking is on the 1st and 2nd level.

alt text

Would the same rational apply if the parking is underground?

asked 04 Dec '21, 07:33

arkriger's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Dec '21, 12:46

Nice example, but I think it is incomplete and uses level tag in a way different from its typical usage:

  • The multi-storey car park still needs an amenity=parking tag
  • Building levels usually assume the street level is level=0, with levels above having positive values & below negative values. So the retail is level=0, the parking is level=1;2 and the apartments are level=3-7.
  • There are no building:levels tags (wikipage). I'd expect building:levels=1 for retail, 2 for the car park and 4 or 5 (not clear to me) for the apartments
  • A level tag on the outline is not correct; you can use building:levels instead.
permanent link

answered 04 Dec '21, 10:02

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

Thank you.

I meant; building:levels=*.
I've changed the question to more accurately reflect the challenge.

amenity=parking it is.

(04 Dec '21, 11:02) arkriger

I think I understand why a node amenity=parking is preferred.

The building:part=parking + amenity=parking will override the building name=*. The building name will not render; only the P symbol.

I've dropped a node amenity=parking + parking=multi-story while keeping the building:part=parking + parking=multi-story.

Is this bad practice? To duplicate in this way?
Would removing the parking=multi-story from the building be better? - (since building:part=parking accounts for this)

Obviously where there are no conflicts building:part=parking + parking=multi-story + amenity=parking + building:levels=* would be the way to go.

(05 Dec '21, 18:07) arkriger

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question asked: 04 Dec '21, 07:33

question was seen: 1,739 times

last updated: 05 Dec '21, 18:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum