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Is there a way to find the nearest neighboring city with nominatim API?

If so can anybody provide me with a working URL example?

Thank you for your help in advance

asked 02 Dec '21, 10:33

Pepijn%20Moesker's gravatar image

Pepijn Moesker
accept rate: 0%

Use the zoom parameter, example:

(The small red circle is the coordinate, the blue circle the found city).

What you can't do with Nominatim: define by city size, e.g. find the nearest city with population > 1 million..

permanent link

answered 02 Dec '21, 11:27

Spiekerooger's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 02 Dec '21, 11:29

@spiekerooger - I'm looking for the nearest alternative town. So for example my coordinates are in Amsterdam but then I like to get the nearest city outside Amsterdam, lets say Zaandam. Is there a way to accomplish that?

(13 Dec '21, 09:33) Pepijn Moesker

@Pepijn Moesker: That will not be doable with the Nominatim API. This alternative API here: will probably help you out, e.g. "GET /v1/geo/locations/+52.383333+4.9/nearbyCities?limit=5&offset=0&radius=100" has Zaandam as a result.

(13 Dec '21, 13:34) Spiekerooger

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question asked: 02 Dec '21, 10:33

question was seen: 3,693 times

last updated: 13 Dec '21, 13:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum