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how can I do a map that allows user B to only continue the route of user A and give the option to calculate the route with the next point or make a straight line?

update: Let's say a user accesses the OSM map via the web. The user only has options, establish a destination with a marker wherever he wants, but the start of the route is predefined by the previous user. The initial point or marker is set by me, not the user. I mean that a route can be built in chunks by different users. The pieces in the route can be in a straight line or be calculated by roads. All this in a custom private layer.

asked 01 Dec '21, 21:40

boyrok's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Dec '21, 19:35

Hello, I am wondering what is your question. What do you mean by "continue the route of user A" ? Is it a relation "route" started and not completed in OSM by A ? Or is it the result of a request to find how to go from one point to another one ? Do you want to calculate a length ? Or to display how to go to a new destination ?

Thanks to give an example. greetings.

(02 Dec '21, 14:26) zorglubu

Let's say a user accesses the OSM map via the web. The user only has options, establish a destination with a marker wherever he wants, but the start of the route is predefined by the previous user. The initial point or marker is set by me, not the user. I mean that a route can be built in chunks by different users. The pieces in the route can be in a straight line or be calculated by roads.

(02 Dec '21, 14:46) boyrok

I am not sure if it's ok with your need, but you could have a look at

You can fix the start location, and copy the URL with this start location. And don't forget to have a look at the buttons botton-right of the screen ;-)

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answered 02 Dec '21, 15:00

zorglubu's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

if it has some functions I want how to calculate the route between two addresses, but I am interested in calculating between coordinates and adding more addresses in the route. I need something customizable for my own use. I've been looking at leaflet it may have the functions I want.

(02 Dec '21, 15:22) boyrok


Facilmap is a not so known service based on OSM data, that has a lot of convenient functionalities. Shared maps is one, as well as easy routing, and export of route in said shared map.

Maybe not so easy to customize as you would like, but much less work than building from scratch with leaflet (it would work, but might be a lot of work).

Also it's open-source, so maybe you can host your own instance with the necessary customization...


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answered 07 Dec '21, 11:09

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 01 Dec '21, 21:40

question was seen: 1,769 times

last updated: 07 Dec '21, 11:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum