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A park is currently being built in my area. They have published the plans already. Is it possible to create the nodes for benches, trees and playgrounds now and set a date from where the nodes are active?

asked 25 Nov '21, 17:27

Bouvanni's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Published plans are still copyrighted and not normally usable for OSM unless explicit permission is given.

(25 Nov '21, 18:04) InsertUser

Plans can be changed during construction. If you can see the working areas and planters, fine to add construction:amenity=bench, construction:natural=tree, and construction:leisure=playground I guess. Only add the opening_date= on the landuse=construction + construction:leisure=park encompassing them, to simplify your work.

permanent link

answered 25 Nov '21, 18:00

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 25 Nov '21, 17:27

question was seen: 907 times

last updated: 25 Nov '21, 18:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum