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In JOSM, I have accidentally checked "Do not ask again" setting when doing a Simplify Way (CTRL+Y) on a way. Now it always simplifies using the last used maximum error setting (0.25 meters). How do I restore the dialog so that it displays? I cannot find the needed settings in the preferences or any information on how to do this.

asked 25 Nov '21, 09:19

JAT86's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You can restore the previous behavior in the Advanced Preferences. Go to Preferences - tick Expert Mode at the bottom - scroll to and select Advanced Preferences in the left panel. In the search line on the top right type "simplify". The key simplify-way.remember appears. Change it from yes to no.

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answered 25 Nov '21, 10:01

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Hi. There is no such dialog box, but you can access the two variables associated with "simplify-way" from the preferences (F12, or Edit→Preferences).

  • Select the "Advanced Preferences" tab (only visible in Expert Mode).
  • Look for simplify-way. among the configured variables.
  • You will find both the the numerical value at simplify-way.max-error and your boolean setting at simplify-way.remember.
  • Now decide if you want to change the latter from yes to no, or if all you wanted was just to be able to edit the numerical value you had entered.
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answered 25 Nov '21, 09:32

mariotomo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Nov '21, 13:40


the other answer is definitely more complete, but I don't understand the downvoting. my intention was to help the OP while on my phone, and to come back here and complete my answer. I'm surprised by the downvoting.

(25 Nov '21, 13:32) mariotomo

Your first answer was formulated a bit ambiguously. One could have read it as "what you ask for is not possible".

(25 Nov '21, 15:49) TZorn

very possibly so. I understand that you are not the downvoter. you see … a downvote without any comment is just like an error report limited to the words "it doesn't work": one can't learn from it.

(26 Nov '21, 22:00) mariotomo

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question asked: 25 Nov '21, 09:19

question was seen: 1,617 times

last updated: 26 Nov '21, 22:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum