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Hi Guys,

Our maps don't work on iphone, any iphone, they work on iPads.

Any idea why this is?

Here's an example:

asked 23 Nov '21, 12:42

DavidHenry's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 23 Nov '21, 14:13

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦

First rule of computer problem-solving: don't use the phrase "it doesn't work". It's not helpful. Instead: What do you expect to happen? What happens instead? Can you give screenshots?

Here's what I'd do to debug:

  • Connect an iPhone to a Mac. Open Safari on the Mac. Make sure the Develop menu is enabled.
  • From the Develop menu, select "iPhone" (or whatever the phone is called) and the title of your page in the subsequent menu.
  • The developer console will open for that window on your phone.
  • Press Command-Option-R to reload the page.
  • Make sure "Console" and "All" are selected, so you can see any errors that your page is outputting.

When I do this, I see the following errors:

  • jQuery.Deferred exception: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'screenfull.raw.fullscreenchange')
  • _createButton — Control.FullScreen.js:80
  • TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'screenfull.raw.fullscreenchange')

So you've got a problem with the code in Control.FullScreen.js, i.e. the Leaflet full-screen control that you're using. There appear to be some reported issues with it on the iPhone: see . Try removing this plugin and trying again.

This is basic JavaScript debugging, not specific to OSM. If your developer doesn't know how to do this you should possibly get a new developer.

permanent link

answered 23 Nov '21, 13:51

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 23 Nov '21, 14:53


Thanks Richard, this got us started on the fix :)

Just to confirm, the issue was on iPhone devices the map showed as grey so the tiles were not loading. Fixing an error in our custom leaflet.js fixed it.

(23 Nov '21, 15:27) DavidHenry

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question asked: 23 Nov '21, 12:42

question was seen: 2,567 times

last updated: 23 Nov '21, 15:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum