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I'm currently updating some relations that are railways in northern italy. For some of these lines, there are already relations, which I'm only touching up and correcting where needed. For some there are two relations with the same contents (south tyrolean line number for public services, e.g. 200, 100, 250...) and italian numbers from the operator RFI (Line 40, 42, 45...). Now I want to contact the initial creators of these relations, but I'm not able to find them, since I cannot get the history for the relation ( always times out).

Is there another way to get the information?

asked 03 Oct '11, 21:06

Alexander%20Roalter's gravatar image

Alexander Ro...
accept rate: 0%

For the first the big relations there are many contributors and it may be hard to find the right people to discuss with. You might have better luck in the mailing lists. This will bring the discussion to all the people that are interested and not just to the original editors.

There is a problem with the history browser on objects with long history. Something needs to be done about that. In the mean time JOSM have better support for browsing the history of objects and will tell you what exactly changed.

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answered 03 Oct '11, 21:21

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%


I'd agree with Gnonthgol that the initial creator might not be the only person (or even the best person) to talk to - a chat on the relevant mailing list sounds like a better idea.

However, if you really want to find who created a relation, then should work in your case.

(03 Oct '11, 21:29) SomeoneElse ♦

The relation mentioned above is v25, but I would simply be interested in who created v1, I don't need to know what objects have been added in each step.

And while I can see the history of an object in JOSM (Ctrl+H), such a thing is not possible for relations...

(03 Oct '11, 21:30) Alexander Ro...

Ctrl+H opens the browse history page in a web browser. Choosing the history tab (Alt+Shift+H) and press "Show" makes JOSM download the history from the API and shows you evrything in a nice dialog.

(03 Oct '11, 21:40) Gnonthgol ♦

For the avoidance of doubt (and for any non-JOSM users out there!) the "/1" on the end of "" means "get version 1 of the object".

(03 Oct '11, 22:22) SomeoneElse ♦

Try using the OSM History Browser This allows you to see a list of versions, compare different versions and view individual versions etc without the problem of timeout.

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answered 04 Oct '11, 16:45

srbrook's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 03 Oct '11, 21:06

question was seen: 5,592 times

last updated: 04 Oct '11, 16:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum