I see there are no suggested values for format and format:top for the tag historic=boundary_stone. Is this because stones come in a huge variety of shapes that are very difficult to describe, even if you specify the number of faces, the horizontal cross-section, and the shape of each face? Is it OK to put pretty much anything there? Words like 'slab', 'pillar', 'column' and 'wedge' come to mind. |
I would use the values outlined on the wiki page. I think it you use the "Tags" option at the bottom of the tag editor on the left hand side and type format followed by tab you will get a (dropdown) list of common values. Ha! Sorry yes. For some reason (formatting issues?) those values did not show up when I looked at the wiki page earlier. I just saw a blank page. Android / small screen. Thank you.
(21 Nov '21, 15:19)
Hi they show clearly using And, till my surprise, and I ve edit several of those. |