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Have just joined up and then tried to sign in on the linux app on computer. After trying to sign in it ask for a verification code, which I don't have. Could this be from an email I haven't received?

asked 20 Nov '21, 06:52

nzvickie's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Which Linux app?

(20 Nov '21, 10:12) SomeoneElse ♦

Hi, I don't know about the verification code but you do have to confirm your email address, (maybe the code is in that email.

Please see webpage: ---- Extract from that page is below.

"You should now receive a confirmation email asking you to click a link to make sure the email address is really yours. If the confirmation email doesn't arrive, you should check your 'spam' folder, and perhaps refresh your inbox after a few minutes. --- If you still don't find the email or if you've forgotten the password for your OSM account, you can reset the password at "


permanent link

answered 20 Nov '21, 08:29

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Just in case this can be useful, this validation email can be quite delayed, I've seen up to half an hour! Be patient.

(20 Nov '21, 10:39) H_mlet

Found it seems to be a problem with the Gnome maps (map application for gnome) which showed available to install on Linux Mint 20.2. It won't let you log into OSM as I just get permission denied, not verification code. But no problem with online access. So I have had to uninstall it as it won't work.

permanent link

answered 20 Nov '21, 19:20

nzvickie's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This isn't the first time this problem has been raised about Gnome Maps:

(20 Nov '21, 19:26) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 20 Nov '21, 06:52

question was seen: 1,360 times

last updated: 20 Nov '21, 19:26

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