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Hi, I am looking for a way to get a list of nodes that essentially captures a list of gps coordinates. I would assume this to be in the 'match' service where when you pass a list of gps points, it will match them to a route and then also return a list of nodes that belongs to that route. You currently can pass annotations=true and 'legs' in the annotation object can be used for this by basically combining all the nodes for each tracepoint and removing the duplicates but it sounds like a hack and not a proper method. Also, not sure if that is going to be accurate. Any help will be greatly appreciated. :)

asked 13 Nov '21, 09:41

ayuz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Nov '21, 09:43

There are number of services that provide map matching, for example or

You don't indicate what kind of volume of tracks you intend to process, so it isn't possible to determine if a public instance of such server will work for you, or if you need to use a paid service or run your own instance.

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answered 16 Nov '21, 08:15

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thanks for the answer. I am aware of the map matching service provided by the osrm server. My exact question is if it is possible to get the OSM nodes along the path of the points that I pass. So, I need a service where I pass a list of gps coordinates and what I get back is a list of coordinates snapped to a route and also nodes that make up this route. Map match service from osrm server does return me the list of snapped coordinates but not the list of OSM nodes. Not sure if I am clear yet. :)

(17 Nov '21, 18:48) ayuz

I wouldn't expect this to be available out of the box as it would require the OSM ids for all the ways along the route to be retained.

(18 Nov '21, 07:58) SimonPoole ♦

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question asked: 13 Nov '21, 09:41

question was seen: 1,927 times

last updated: 18 Nov '21, 07:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum