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Hi After selecting an object in the JOSM window, I'd like to be able to display that object in OSM's website ie:

I know how to display the changeset the object was last amended in via the History command (Ctrl H) but not the individual object.

Solution: Install UtilsPlugin2

asked 06 Nov '21, 19:30

DaveF's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 07 Nov '21, 15:25

I don't know if this is close enough but SHIFT + H Displays the way history on Then it's just a "show details" link away.

permanent link

answered 07 Nov '21, 02:12

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

(Posting as an answer as I want to display an image)

SHIFT + H within JOSM? That doesn't display anything. CTRL+H displays this dialog box Options to view the changeset on, but I can't see one for individual objects.

What flavour of JOSM are you using? Exe,jar?

alt text

permanent link

answered 07 Nov '21, 12:58

DaveF's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

JOSM exe 18303 (but it's been around for a while) in expert mode. With no history window open, select the way then SHIFT + H opens the OSM website history in my default browser. The keyboard shortcuts preferences indicates that this is the default shortcut for "Data: Open custom URL" (might be a plugin I've forgotten about). "View: History (web)" is also listed as CTRL + SHIFT + H. With CTRL + SHIFT + I being what you actually asked for (View: Advanced info (web)).

(07 Nov '21, 13:16) InsertUser

Ok, The solution is to install UtilsPlugin2 plugin.

(07 Nov '21, 15:24) DaveF

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question asked: 06 Nov '21, 19:30

question was seen: 1,222 times

last updated: 07 Nov '21, 15:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum