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I'm looking for restaurants - and obviously also cafés - in Paris with french or regional cooking - (restaurant OR cafe) AND (cuisine=french OR cuisine=regional) - what shows hundreds of places in Copying the URL-umap-link into umap:external data source (my site works in German though the wording might be incorrect) I get also many places but not all I see in the overpass-map. I verify that with the restaurants around the corner I usually stay in a hotel. How can I asure that in umap all interesting places - the same as in overpass - are shown? Thanks for advice (and patience with a beginner).

asked 05 Nov '21, 10:42

ak54's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Nov '21, 10:43


A common with umap, is that it doesn't display POI mapped as ways (polygons).

My solution was to add center to the out directive, so that the output is only nodes.

Please share your overpass query is your need more specific assistance.


permanent link

answered 05 Nov '21, 12:22

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Hi and thanks. My query looks like:



// fetch area “Paris” to search in {{((}}geocodeArea:Paris{{))}}->.searchArea; // gather results

( // query part for: “restaurant and cuisine=french”

nwr["amenity"="restaurant"]"cuisine"="french"; nwr["amenity"="restaurant"]"cuisine"="regional"; nwr["amenity"="cafe"]"cuisine"="french"; nwr["amenity"="cafe"]"cuisine"="regional";

// print results

out center;


Exporting the result as geojson and importing it to umap/mymap ends in a correct map. However, exporting just the umap-link

[out:json][timeout:25];area(3600007444)->.searchArea;(nwr["amenity"="restaurant"]"cuisine"="french";nwr["amenity"="restaurant"]"cuisine"="regional";nwr["amenity"="cafe"]"cuisine"="french";nwr["amenity"="cafe"]"cuisine"="regional"; );out center;

results in nothing useful, even - that's new - in empty maps.

There must be a linking / coordinating effect I do not understand. Therefore, if you have some more advice it will be highly appreciated.


permanent link

answered 06 Nov '21, 14:09

ak54's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Nov '21, 14:21


Your cuisine filters in the 2nd e.g., lack "[]"

(06 Nov '21, 14:38) SK53 ♦

I'd also think a timeout of 25 seconds may be a bit small for a big place like Paris.

(06 Nov '21, 14:38) SK53 ♦

The missing brackets are just a copy/paste-error, themquery looks like

[out:json] [timeout:125] ; area(3600007444)->.searchArea; ( nwr ["amenity"="restaurant"] ["cuisine"="regional"] (area.searchArea); nwr ["amenity"="restaurant"] ["cuisine"="french"] (area.searchArea); nwr ["amenity"="cafe"] ["cuisine"="french"] (area.searchArea); nwr ["amenity"="cafe"] ["cuisine"="regional"] (area.searchArea); ); out center;

A longer timeout produces a useful geojson-file but still no working link for umap

(06 Nov '21, 23:43) ak54

Sorry, the missing brackets are a copy/paste error, the query looks like

alt text

However, even with a higher timeout rate the umap link does not work correctly, but the import with geojson works. I prefer the link solution because that would permit an automatic update in a vivid restaurant scene.

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answered 07 Nov '21, 06:35

ak54's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


You can use the "Share" functionality of overpass-turbo, instead of copy-pasting, it's faster and less prone to errors. For example :

(08 Nov '21, 13:46) H_mlet

How did you build the query for umap ? Here is the doc :

Did you urlencode it ? I found that usually it helps.

Did you use the same overpass server as in overpass-turbo ? IIRC the area ids might not be consistent from one server to another.

I created a test umap. You will find the layer settings in a screenshot below.

It seems all right to me. With clustering and unzooming, it seems that all 1069 elements are displayed !

You can check in the network console of your browser what the response of the server is (timeout, empty request, etc).

Also, you should uncheck "Dynamic", and check "proxy" and "one day" because this kind of query is not easy on the server, and might get you blacklisted. You can change the language of umap in the url of the map, put en where you should find de.

Hope this helps.

test settings

permanent link

answered 08 Nov '21, 14:15

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 05 Nov '21, 10:42

question was seen: 1,618 times

last updated: 08 Nov '21, 14:15

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