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With the help of this forum I found a way to retrieve the street that belongs to a specific lat/lon. I use the following code:

<osm-script output="json">
  <query type="way">
    <around lat="52.15809830545579" lon="6.402184798522356" radius="10"/>
    <has-kv k="highway" modv="" v=""/>
    <recurse type="down"/>

This Overpass query has got two downfalls. Not always the entire street is shown, enlarging the raduis will select more of the current street, but also results in other streets in the dataset.

What do I need to change to always get one entire street (way), even if the way is for example 1000 km long?

Anyone an idea?

asked 03 Nov '21, 22:38

Arjan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Looks like I found a solution, but I don't get it to work?

(09 Feb '22, 12:48) Arjan

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question asked: 03 Nov '21, 22:38

question was seen: 1,120 times

last updated: 09 Feb '22, 12:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum