Hi a wall has different heights on each side, from 1.00 to 2.00, but on the backside the ground level drops to 3.50 m. Since it is a very old wall I d like to tag it more properly than it has been. |
Use standard OSM naming conventions "height:left" and "height:right", left & right are with respect to the direction of the way. These have very low usage, e.g., 13 examples of Although, this can't be shown for
(03 Nov '21, 03:37)
@Kovoschiz: true although a direction tag instead of the implict direction such as those used in roof:direction would be a possibility. This is, however, a rather extreme edge case.
(03 Nov '21, 09:13)
SK53 ♦
The wall is an object Ive seen 7 years ago, but they have started a building project in the old garden. So admission granted. Is the direction logic east - west or is it just my pick ? Here https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/51.99508/5.08985 And its just 0,30 m width on top.
(03 Nov '21, 16:38)
left/right is in relation to the direction of the OSM way. It has nothing to do with east/west.
(05 Nov '21, 07:18)
scai ♦