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Hello there, I have a question about the accuracy of streetmap. Why it doesn't give accurate location. I have given approximately 6 meter variation in location. Why it happened? kindly answer my question. Thanks in advance. Regards: Maria Cleh

asked 29 Oct '21, 12:56

MariaCleh7's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Hi Maria. Could you please kindly let us know when you have these accuracy issues? When mapping, when using some map app or navigation app, on a website, ...? And in which geographic area are you using OSM?

(29 Oct '21, 13:05) TZorn

The mapped features on OSM are often mapped from aerial and satellite photos which have small errors on location. These errors can be eliminated by moving the image to the correct position before adding the feature, but not everyone does this, or does it correctly, so errors happen. Fortunately people like you then tell us about the problem and it can be fixed.

In most cases location errors are corrected by using the GPS signal from a cellphone. These are fairly accurate and give errors as small as 2m to 5m but it is hard to be completely accurate. Proper survey equipment can be accurate to 5mm. It is unfortunate but true that OSM volunteers don't have access to such equipment.

If you can identify the place where you found the error, and say how you know there is an error, then it may be possible to improve the accuracy of the map in that area.

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answered 14 Nov '21, 16:50

cRaIgalLAn's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I think this is a big problem with newbies. Many of those don't even know there is a problem with satellite images, and use them without any position correction.

I have seen lot of such errors, where towns have position errors on every object.

(15 Nov '21, 08:05) Msiipola

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question asked: 29 Oct '21, 12:56

question was seen: 2,126 times

last updated: 15 Nov '21, 09:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum