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Hi there,

I am trying to change the tagging of some city centre pedestrian shared use paths so they can be better consumed by providers such as Cycle OSM, and properly marked as such on these services.

I am in the UK, and I was wondering what the tagging convention would be for such a path - shared by pedestrians and cyclists, no marked delineation between the two and no usual access for cars.



asked 29 Oct '21, 11:17

hblu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Please ask on the talk-gb mailing list. The developers of , Cyclestreets and OpenCycleMap are all active on that list. As both services have been in use for some considerable time I would expect they will have picked up any significant routing issues some time ago. It is also advisable to stick to current (UK) local conventions, and please avoid tagging for one specific renderer (CycleOSM)

Note the recommendation of highway=path on the wiki, does not necessarily accord with consensus tagging in the UK for cycle infra.

(30 Oct '21, 09:57) SK53 ♦

Mainly you are looking for segregated=no. highway=path foot=designated bicycle=designated segregated=no surface=paved or highway=cycleway foot=designated segregated=no surface=paved

permanent link

answered 30 Oct '21, 08:09

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 30 Oct '21, 10:27

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question asked: 29 Oct '21, 11:17

question was seen: 898 times

last updated: 30 Oct '21, 10:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum